Local stories

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Stuff’s happening constantly in Stroud. Always something going on. Always a good deed needs doing. Always a good story to be told. And hopefully always some nice cake or a beer involved, too.

We try to be the people who’ll tell you where you’re needed the most, the places where your sweat and imagination will make the biggest difference. And afterwards, the place that’ll tell the story of what you did.

Read the stories, but be sure to check out the Help Requests, too, because petitions need signing, pond clearances need people in wellies, tool libraries need old tools in good nick. Good deeds need doers. And try some of the events. There’s things to learn, songs to sing, talks to hear, games to play, nature to rescue – and probably also a decent drop of cake. We are, after all, Stroud.

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Good things happening in Stroud

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We like to think that Stroud is a place where good things happen – that’s the kind of Stroud we’re working at seeing more of. Here’s some of the things happening recently around Stroud that you might want to celebrate, or maybe get yourself involved in…

To keep in touch with what’s going on, follow us on Facebook and on Twitter, or sign-up to our email news.

If we’re missing out on a story, please let us know – what more should we be telling people about? And if you’re feeling inspired, why not try volunteering – our next story could feature you.

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